Friday, April 13, 2012

epic battles

A friend of mine posed the question on Facebook of who would win:  the Hulk or Superman?  This is exactly the type of question my comic-book collecting hubby would know, and so I asked him.  He's always so careful with me - wanting to give me the best answer he can, but not scare me off with too much geeky comic-book-guy knowledge.  I have been to the comic shop, my dear readers, and it is a scary, scary place.

I do love that I can ask him questions, and he can, with extreme sincerity, describe the different iterations of the Hulk - some are smart, some dumb, some integrated with Bruce Banner, some stand-alone; and how each of these versions would have some handicap or strength in a battle against Superman.

Some of you are playing these scenarios over in your mind;  you can't help it, can you?

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