Friday, July 6, 2012

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.

Today, I wish it had a content key!  I haven't written for a while, though my nail blog gets updated every day, sometimes twice a day, so I know I have something to say!

Today's deep thought is about doggie adoption.  We have a new dog in the house, a dog that my petsitter has been fostering for about a year and a half, and thought would make a nice addition to our home.  So far, it's been a little rocky - my other male dog growls at him a lot (though he also growls at my adult female that he's known all his life), the new dog is marking my house (he marked my bed, which I get, but he also marked my curtains?!) and although he was touted as a submissive, easy-going dog, he's actually coming out of his shell as a fairly confident dog.  I'm well-versed in setting boundaries for my pups and leadership theory, and I've never had a problem with that, so I know that I could keep the peace and MAKE it work.  I'm just not sure if I should.  Would it be kinder to my existing dogs and the new dog for him to find a new home?  Should I wait longer and see if time and training makes this group click together?  I don't know if these dogs will ever like each other, it would be more of a tolerance for each other, I think.  Do we all deserve better?

I do like this new dog, but I'm not in love with him - yet.  We'll see.  I'm not going to make any decisions tonight.  It's odd, because all the dogs I've adopted in the past I either fell in love with right away, or took them because I knew they would be better off with me than in their current situation.  I don't know how I feel about this one, yet.

1 comment:

  1. Any puppy would be lucky to be a Doherty. I found your blog!
