Sunday, May 20, 2012

Clean Dog Day

Clean Dog Day is almost as good as Clean Sheet Day.  All the doggies got a bath, and I even cleaned their (gasp) anal glands.  It is important to do that FIRST, so that the bath washes away all the nasty.  It is the grossest job of a dog owner, and some people have this done at the vet, but I'm too cheap to take them there as often as they would need it.  A latex glove (per dog) and some K-Y and a paper towel or wipe, and 30 seconds, and you're done.

Yeah, that's probably TMI for most of you, but since I don't think I have a lot of readers, that's not really an issue.  If you're reading this, there is no need to be scared of your dog's butt.  And, the benefits of not having that smell or your dog licking their ass constantly far outweighs the 30 seconds of pure gross.

So, all the dogs are clean, they smell good, their fur feels incredible, and then they're so wound up they PLAY like crazy, and then they SLEEP like the dead. 

I won't want to let them out to play tomorrow because they'll get all dirty again, but I know I'll relent. :)  These are the moments to relish, they are gone way too soon!  I wish I could capture that clean dog feeling in a picture to revisit when they're stinky.


  1. I didn't know I could do this job myself for my dogs! Can I just Google this for a tutorial/instructions? I'm a mom of four kids, 2 dogs, and 10 chickens, so I'm all about gross, but I assumed there was technical expertise involved or something. Honestly, I'm excited about this, because I really hate my four-footed children using their tongues as TP!

    1. The danger of doing it yourself is the possibility of rupturing the gland, so you do have to be careful. You can google instructions, which is basically what I did. Sometimes they can be squeezed without going inside, and that's easier and less dangerous. Be forewarned that your doggy isn't going to like this!! lol
